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OSI集团总裁兼首席营运官David G. McDonald就福喜事件声明

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  • 2014-10-25 15:41:48
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§ 立刻在市场上收回所有由上海福喜所生产的产品;

§ 针对现任以及前任高管人员可能存在的不尽职行为进行彻底的内部调查;

§ 在中国组建全新的管理团队,以确保业务符合全球标准和需求。



中国的运营团队将会正式纳入OSI集团国际管理团队的一部分,直接嵌入到我们集团的组织结构中,而不是作为单独运营的个体存在。新的组织机构将被命名为“OSI 国际中国公司”。

中国运营团队的各管理层已经正式任命,并于今日生效。OSI 国际中国公司的管理团队由来自世界各地的专家组成,以确保中国公司的产品完全达到OSI集团的全球质量标准。他们将与现有的中国管理团队进行优势互补,集中精力发展运营以及确保质量和进行审计。


§ 艾柏强(Brent Afman):目前是亚太区总经理,主要负责中国事务。他现为公司高级副总裁,服务公司已经长达20年。艾柏强先生曾负责公司在澳大利亚、台湾和两家美国分公司的相关运营业务。

§ 迈克·宝琦(Michael Boccio):负责深加工的副总经理。他是一名在OSI集团服务长达22年的老员工,曾于1992年至1998年间担任中国公司总经理。宝琦先生曾负责印度尼西亚、菲律宾及美国的多项业务。他将直接汇报给布艾柏强先生,负责深加工业务,并主管北京和河南地区以及生产、人力和销售方面的事务。

§ B.k ·Girdhar博士:担任中国质量监控副总裁。他在福喜有长达25的任职经验。他将主要负责中国市场深加工和生产质量系统的建设工作。他会直接汇报给艾柏强先生。

§ 莎伦•贝克特(Sharon Birkett)女士:目前担任北美质量中心的副总裁,现在会负责全球市场质量检验和审计工作。贝克特女士同时会负责中国质量达标方面的监管。

§ 除了上述变动,我们还将任命全球轮岗专家小组。他们将持续调查运营以及彻底实施审查工作。其中包括不断进行切实的监督以及进行大量的员工调研。这样不仅能具体地辨别出关键的生产措施以及文件的合规性,同时能通过深度观察得到实质性的证实。

§ Eric Wu, 全球财务内部审计,将与集团合规负责人Alice Wang一起,加深监管工作。Tina Chen女士将负责中国的供应链业务,汇报给全球供应链高级副总裁Mark Richardson先生。

§ 这些明确的、单独的汇报机制将进一步确保监督以及需求到位,并且互相平衡。


§ n立即停止上海福喜的运营,以配合内部外部的调查;

§ n扩展内部审查机制,全面保证其符合公司全球标准。


OSI 国际中国公司将继续致力于中国市场,我们还有很多的服务可以提供。在过去的5年里,我们先后在中国市场投资5亿美元。在过去的105年里,我们在食品加工领域积累了丰富的经验和技术。我们将在上海建立一个全新的OSI集团亚洲质量控制中心。这个中心将汇聚来自国际和本地的优秀团队,共同OSI 国际中国公司的各个中心提供质量保障。该中心也会为其他中国食品企业提供专业支持。




OSI Group China Press Conference

David G. McDonald Statement

We are taking what happened at Husi Shanghai seriously and consider the actions of those involved completely unacceptable. I would like to repeat what Sheldon has already said, we as a company sincerely apologize for this unfortunate event. We are moving as quickly as possible to address specific and more general identified shortcomings. Overall these actions are the first stage of many required to start rebuilding respect and the trust of our customers, the government, and the public.

Today I want to update you on three parts: first, the preliminary investigation findings; and second, our actions to date and third, organization and management changes and more rectification measures.

Preliminary investigation findings

Our internal investigation is still ongoing. We are working closely with the Shanghai CFDA to ensure that we meet their expectation. To date our investigations have found issues that are absolutely inconsistent with our internal requirements for highest standards, process and policies.

Actions we have taken to date:

Yesterday we announced some of the actions we were taking:

§ Withdrawal of all products manufactured by Shanghai Husi from the marketplace.

§ Conducting a thorough internal investigation into possible failures or misconduct on the part of current and former senior management.

§ Creation of a new management structure for China to ensure that operations meet global expectations and standards.

New rectification measures

I am announcing today a number of sweeping changes of the OSI China organizational and management structure to assure corporate compliance and the integrity of the systems and processes of our operations in China.

Our China operations will now become a part of the OSI International umbrella, directly embedded into our corporate organization, rather than operating as a separate, decentralized entity. This new organization will be called OSI International China.

Leadership responsibilities for China operations have also been reassigned effective today. The OSI International China leadership team will include experienced individuals from around the world to ensure full compliance with the OSI Group’s world-class standards for quality. They will be complementing our existing China management team to focus on operations, quality assurance, and compliance and auditing.

These individuals and some of their credentials include:

§ Brent Afman, Senior Vice President and a direct corporate employee with the company for 20 years, is Managing Director of Asia Pacific with responsibility for China. Brent has been responsible previously for our operations in Australia, Taiwan and two U.S. facilities.

§ Michael Boccio, Vice President of Further Processed Operations, is a 22-year OSI veteran and previously General Manager of China operations from 1992 to 1998. He has also been responsible previously for operations in Indonesia, the Philippines and has held various responsibilities in the U.S. Mr. Boccio will report to Brent Afman and will be responsible for the Further Processing activities. The operations of Beijing, Henan, Produce, Human Relations, and Sales will report directly to him.

§ Dr. B.K. Girdhar, Vice President of Quality Assurance - China, has 25 years of OSI experience and will be responsible for quality systems in our Further Processing and Produce businesses in China. B.K will report to Brent Afman.

§ The responsibilities of Sharon Birkett, currently Vice President of North America Quality, will be elevated to additionally include Global Quality Compliance and Auditing and Sharon will be responsible for enhanced surveillance of quality compliance in China.

§ In addition to these changes, we will assign a vigilant rotation of global experts to continuously survey these operations and implement exhaustive audit steps, which will include constant visual surveillance and extensive employee interviews that concretely identify not only critical production measures and document compliance, but actual visual confirmation through extended observation.

§ Eric Wu, Global Financial Internal Audit will be responsible for enhanced surveillance, as will Alice Wang, Corporate Compliance. Tina Chen will be responsible for Supply Chain China and will report to Mark Richardson, Senior Vice President, Global Supply Chain.

§ The distinct, separate reporting of these activities will further ensure the checks and balances that are required will be in place.

On top of the management structural changes, we will take the following actions to further our commitment to the resolution of the issue:

n Immediately cease the operations of the Shanghai Husi plant for internal and external investigations;

n Extend our internal reviews to ensure compliance to our global standards;

Committed to China

OSI International China remains committed to China and we still have plenty to offer. We’ve invested over 500M USD in China in the past 5 years. Over the last 105 years we’ve accumulated a lot of experience, expertise and technology in food processing. We will set up an OSI Asia Quality Control Center – located in Shanghai. The center, staffed by a team of international and local teams, will provide quality assurance for all OSI sites across the country. It can also provide support to other Chinese food companies.

To promote the awareness for food safety among the Chinese public, we will also create a 3- year, OSI Food Safety Education Campaign in China with a 10 Million RMB investment. More details will be shared in the near future.

Food safety is never compromised at OSI. It is the cornerstone of our business and for our customers. We understand that we still have a lot of work to do to reclaim the respect and trust of our customers, the government, and consumers. We are committed to doing this work.

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